The documentary, Life Architecturally, is a story of inspiring Australian architecture and design. The film follows internationally acclaimed husband and wife team Robert McBride and Debbie Ryan to discover what inspires their innovative concepts. It observes the complex procedures when designing multi-story buildings, schools, and even the ongoing construction of the duo's family home. The unfortunate part–the construction of their own space–is put on the back burner because of their busy schedules of family and career. The down-to-earth parents are considered leaders in the modern architectural movement.
Many designers and architects will relate to their ongoing struggle to create bold new designs and get each project off the ground. Their designs are changing the look of Melbourne and creating a worldwide buzz about Australian architecture. Their spiral shaped "Klein Bottle house" received the prestigious World Architecture Festival Award for the best residential house in the world in 2009. Many of their acclaimed projects include a copper dome-shaped house fitted like a jigsaw puzzle and a house extension that resembles a cloud (see above).
The one hour and twenty-minute documentary that follows the architects over a period of one year, introducing viewers into their lives, working relationships, and vast inspiration.
View the film trailer for Life Architecturally here.
You can view more projects by visiting the website of McBride Charles Ryan.